Monthly Archive: January 2015


DEFRA includes Swale as MCZ in second tranche

Defra has published a consultation on the second tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) today, inluding the “Swale Estuary.” At first read, boating and angling are not likely to be affected but there are mysterious...


Missing Person Appeal

PC David Lavender has asked if anyone has any information about David Leavey, aged 37, who was last seen on 11 December in Chatham. There is a suggestion that he may have worked on boats...


Marina winter lock closures

We understand the locks will be closed for maintenance as follows: Gillingham Marina’s lock will be closed from 23 January for two weeks. Chatham Marina’s lock will be shut from 26 January to 9 February


All aboard for the Boat Show!

Last call from Clinton Lyon for the Coach Trip from Gillingham Marina to the London Boat Show on the Preview Day on 9 January. This year the Boat Show includes a Classic Car Show...


Expansion at Queenborough Harbour

Press Release from Queenborough Harbour Trust With the recent addition of a further 9 moorings, Queenborough Harbour continues to expand its services to the boating community. These Shoal Draft/Half Tide moorings are suitable for...