Monthly Archive: March 2018


Queenborough Harbour Trot Boat Hours at Easter

Queenborough Harbour trot boat hours for the 2018 Easter weekend are as follows: Good Friday 10am – 9:30pm Saturday 10am – 9:30pm Easter Sunday 10am – 9:30pm Easter Monday 10am – 5pm


Kingsnorth Chimney finally falls

Video by Gavin Parson, MSBA Secretary. Taken from on board Nepos, anchored close in, and from the MSBA’s CCTV camera at Medway Cruising Club in Gillingham Reach. Commentary (“There it goes”) by MSBA Webmaster....


MT Kent going to Ipswich

SE Tugs have booked the 1948 motor tug Kent into the Maritime Festival in Ipswich on the weekend of 18-19 August. The Ipswich Maritime Festival features heritage vessels, tugs, tall ships etc and takes...


SB Westmoreland wrecked

In recent gales, the stern section of the old sailing barge Westmoreland, berthed at Lower Halstow, broke away and “sailed” round to Funton Creek, just south of Chetney Hill, where it has joined the remains...