SB Westmoreland wrecked
In recent gales, the stern section of the old sailing barge Westmoreland, berthed at Lower Halstow, broke away and “sailed” round to Funton Creek, just south of Chetney Hill, where it has joined the remains of other once-pround sailing vessels. Nick Ardley comments, “Sad, very sad, but interestingly she seemed to know her way towards sisters of the tideway within this area… ”
For more info visit
The wreck of the main part of the barge (in a sunken dock) is marked by a yellow buoy in Halstow Creek
Notice to Mariners about the wreck
Thanks to Kevin Thorton for the photo and track image.
As people will notice from later posts about the Westmoreland, the bulk of the barge’s hull remained in the lighter, albeit now sitting askew on her blocks.
The floating dock is to be patched, I understand, so that it will refloat, thus preserving, hopefully, this last maritime vessel built specifically for the carriage of bricks.
Well done Ed.
Pleased photo and map from my original tweet of use @dunnokev 😉
Thanks Kevin, I have added an acknowledgement to yourself.