Excitement reaches fever pitch for Medway Queen’s homecoming

We understand that the tug Christine is waiting in Bristol to tow the venerable paddle steamer home to the Medway. However the port authority there is waiting for a 48 hour clear weather window before giving permission for the tow to take place. [Update 5 Nov: tug and tow still in Avonmouth Docks waiting for better weather]

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Sun Pier repair delayed

Weather has delayed the reinstatement of  the landing pontoons and two walkways which was to have taken place this week. The pier was expected to be back in commission by the end of November.

Queenborough Harbour Lookout – planning appeal

Queenborough Harbour Lookout
Come on, it’s not that bad!


Patrick Moore of Queenborough Harbour Trust asks all Medway/Swale boaters to support their appeal against refusal of retrospective planning permission for the temporary harbour lookout at Crundell’s Wharf. [Unfortunately Patrick gave the incorrect reference at last week’s meeting.  If you have sent an email, or other type of correspondence, to the planning authorities supporting Queenborough Harbour Trust, please resend quoting the correct number, APP/ V2255 / C /13 / 2204432.]

Patrick asks, “Should you wish to make any observations supporting Queenborough Harbour Trust, would you please do so either in writing (3 copies required), addressing your letter to the Planning Inspectorate 3/23 Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN, quoting reference: APP/ V2255 / C /13 / 2204432 ; or via the Planning Portal at www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs or by emailing teame1@pins.gsi.gov.uk

“The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge your letter unless you specifically ask them to do so.  They will however, ensure your letter is passed to the inspector dealing with the appeal. Please ensure that any representations you wish to make on this appeal are received by the Planning Inspectorate by 22 October 2013, otherwise they will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned.  A copy of your letter will then be sent by the Planning Inspectorate to both the appellant and the Council.”

Many thanks to you all.
Stuart Bradley, Chairman MSBA