Monthly Archive: November 2013


Environment Agency consultation closes on 22 December

Mark Loos of the Medway Swale Estuary Partnership reminds us that the closing date for comments on the Environment Agency’s ‘Challenges and Choices’ consultation is Sunday 22nd December.  Please submit your comments at


Do you listen to the Shipping Forecast?

That is the question being asked by the BBC. However their poorly designed questionnaire refers not to the forecast but to “Maritime Safety Information” and is really about whether they should keep their aging...


Yacht Design Course

Yacht Design Course  6 evenings – Jan to March  2014  Central London and Southampton The International School of Yacht Design (ISYD) is running  a Yacht Design Course over 6 evenings in Winter 2014. The...


Medway Queen has arrived

Film by OCR Studios Source Kentish Times The Medway Queen, which was rebuilt in Bristol with a new riveted hull just like the original, berthed at Gillingham Pier on 19 November with a welcome...


Gillingham Marina & Clarke & Carter Christmas Party, 5 Dec

Peter Norris writes, “We are celebrating another very successful year at our Kent offices at Gillingham, Ramsgate & Chatham by holding, in association with Gillingham Marina, a Christmas Party in the Gillingham Marina Chandlery...