Category: Rowing
Medway Towns Rowing Club Head Race, 17 Oct
An important “Head” rowing race will take place on Sunday 17 October, starting at Wouldham at 1pm and ending at Rochester. A timed race over a distance of 3 miles downstream on tidal water...
Debris clearance underway in upper reaches of Medway
Briggs Marine, working for Peel Ports, have cleared over 5 tons of debris from the river this week between Halling and Elmhaven Marina. A new purpose-built, electric “Waterwitch” vessel, that can pass under Aylesford...
Naked rower rescued from Medway
At 5pm on the wild afternoon of 15 February, during Storm Dennis, residents of St Mary’s Island spotted a naked man “sheltering in a tent” on a small rowing boat, anchored just a few...
IWA talk on River Medway, Thurs 23 Jan
The Kent & East Sussex Branch of the Inland Waterways Association invite you to an open meeting on the River Medway (the non-tidal bit). David Payne and Jason Adams from the Environment Agency will...
St Ayles Skiff Talk, Faversham, Sat 21 Sept
Alan Thorne has arranged for Alec Jordan to visit Faversham this weekend, to talk about the St Ayles Skiff community boat building project. All are welcome to this talk at the Prifier Building, 2.30pm. Faversham Creek...
Port Authority pays for yacht club pontoon
The burgeoning membership of Benfleet Yacht Club are benefitting from new £9,500 pontoon funded by the Port of London Authority. Rowers, kayakers and paddle-boarders appreciate the low level pontoon which makes acess to the...
Try Rowing on the Medway, 14 July
Rowing is a great way to enjoy the river and stay fit. If you are 18 or over, come and try rowing at Medway Towns Rowing Club’s open day on Sunday 14 July. Sign...
Medway/Swale Boating Conference, 9 March 2019
Will your club exist in ten years’ time? Our 2019 conference will focus on the future of our local clubs, which still form the core of active boating on the Medway and Swale. A...
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