Monthly Archive: March 2016


What’s this?

This metal raft was found drifting in the Medway off Thunderbolt Pier on Saturday and after being reported to Medway VTS was secured to a buoy by the tug Nipashore. Does anyone know what...


MSBA Training Directory

From time to time we get enquiries from members of the public for training courses. Therefore, we have decided to have a page on the website with a directory of the courses our members...


Microlight tragedy at Stoke

A pilot died this afternoon when his microlight hit a pylon near Stoke airfield next to the Medway Estuary. Read more…


Medway VTS moving to Liverpool

Peel Ports are believed to have recruited five individuals who will be trained as VTS officers to cover the Medway and Clyde from an office in Liverpool, according to Capt Don Cockrill, Secretary General of the...


Chatham Marina in £500k expansion

MDL Marinas has announced that the Chatham Marina expansion will be ready for the new season, with 54 additional berths available from next month. Read more