This metal raft was found drifting in the Medway off Thunderbolt Pier on Saturday and after being reported to Medway VTS was secured to a buoy by the tug Nipashore. Does anyone know what it is and how it came to be drifting?
Month: March 2016
Queenborough walkway damaged by storm
During the storm on 28 March the walkway suffered some damage and was closed temporarily. It is now usable with care and will be fully open again for next weekend.
MSBA Training Directory
From time to time we get enquiries from members of the public for training courses. Therefore, we have decided to have a page on the website with a directory of the courses our members are able to offer. There is no charge for this.
If you wish to be included in this directory could you please send Tony (webmaster@ ) details of any courses you can offer (not necessarily RYA courses), whether certificated or general interest, and contact details for your training principal.
The Training Directory is accessed from the Training menu item above.
Medway River Festival, 9 July 2016
As discussed at our last business meeting, Medway Council are keen for the MSBA and its members to be heavily involved with this year’s Medway River Festival on Saturday 9 July.
Members can take part in one of three ways:
- By providing an exciting waterborne demonstration.
- By having a land-based stand.
- By mooring in the Chatham riverfront area to create a vivid maritime backdrop to the event. Medway Council are arranging moorings as long as they have an idea of numbers.
If you or your organisation can assist in any of the above, then please let us know by emailing secretary (at)
Microlight tragedy at Stoke
A pilot died this afternoon when his microlight hit a pylon near Stoke airfield next to the Medway Estuary.
Faversham Creek wreck removed
Following requests fom the MSBA and other river users, Peel Ports have today announced that the wreck of the sunken fishing vessel Cardium has now been removed from Faversham Creek near the junction with Oare Creek.
Code of Practice for Seaplane Operations
Following consultation with river users including the MSBA, Peel Ports have now published a Code of Practice for Seaplane Operations. A major change from the orginal proposal is that one of the two designated areas is in Stangate Creek rather than Long Reach. The other area is Half Acre Creek.
In addition to regulating the operation of private seaplanes and restricting them to the specified areas, the code of practice prohibits the commercial operation of seaplanes anywhere within the waters of the Medway and Swale and the adjoining creeks and inlets.
Medway VTS moving to Liverpool
Peel Ports are believed to have recruited five individuals who will be trained as VTS officers to cover the Medway and Clyde from an office in Liverpool, according to Capt Don Cockrill, Secretary General of the United Kingdom Maritime Pilots’ Association.
Capt Cockrill says, “From a river user’s perspective it is worth considering what aspect of a VTS is actually truly relevant to an end user. It’s essentially an information source and that should not change regardless of the location of the station. As regards the distant centralising of a VTS centre – in principle I can not see a problem with it as long as the proper technology is put in place.”
We await comment from Peel Ports.
Chatham Marina in £500k expansion
MDL Marinas has announced that the Chatham Marina expansion will be ready for the new season, with 54 additional berths available from next month. Read more
Medway Dinghy Regatta, 2-3 July 2016
The Medway Dinghy Regatta at Wilsonian Sailing Club on the River Medway always proves to be a really good weekend. Starting on the Friday 1 July if you wish to come early for camping and small campavans. Food will be available that evening and all weekend with entertainment on Saturday evening.
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