Monthly Archive: May 2015


Red Sand Fort to become hotel

Retired businessman David Marriot Cooper has outlined his vision for how the fort could be converted into a unique hotel and spa, and provide a new heritage museum. Red Sand Sea Fort to be...


New Deben entrance chartlet at ECP

With East Coast boaters starting to go off cruising, Dick Holness of East Coast Pilot has advised us that there is a new chartlet of the Deben entrance now available to download from the...


Miss Isle stops over at Queenborough

Queenborough harbour Trust was honoured to have Natasha Lambert sail ‘Miss Isle’ into the harbour on Wednesday evening. Natasha, who has cerebral Palsy, is achieving her dreams through sailing, steering the yacht by mouth using ‘Sip...


Hoo Peninsula chosen for transnational GIFT-T project

For the past three years our partner the Medway Swale Estuary Partnership has worked alongside Medway Council on GIFT-T, a transnational project, to bring together local communities and businesses, through the development of bottom-up...


Small earthquake in Kent, not many dead

A quake registering 4.2 on the Richter scale was felt in an area from Kent to Essex last night at about 3 am. Police reported many calls from Thanet, though Ramsgate remains unharmed. According...


Rochester Pier open again

UPDATE 22 May: Hayley Taylor from Medway Council advises that the token machine has just been replaced at Rochester Pier, so it is open again. However there are still electrical supply problems at Sun...


Medway Barge Match, Sat 23 May 2015

The course is from Gillingham Pier to the Medway Buoy and back. The first start is at 0730 for the Coasting Class, followed by the Restricted Staysail Class then the Bowsprit Class. The Committee...


MRCC Thames to close on 5 June

This letter from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency explains that our local coastguard station will close on 5 June and we will be covered by the National Maritime Operations Centre in Fareham. However we...