Category: Planning
Planning application to restrict access to the water at Harty Ferry – REJECTED!
Kent County Council has applied to “stop up” the road leading to the old ferry hard at Harty Ferry (Sheppey side) except for access by foot. This would make it impossible to launch small...
Consultation on Chatham Docks redevelopment, Wed 29 June
Peel Land & Property are hosting two open events (one is past) to understand the local community’s opinions on their masterplan for the regeneration of Chatham Docks Industrial Estate. Peel Land & Property is...
Do you have any old photos of the islands, marshes or piers?
Medway Council is in the process of creating a River Strategy which, once completed, will be instrumental in helping to address river user needs, monitor pollution, coastal erosion and secure future funding to protect...
Kelly speaks out against sewage in our “great river”
Kelly Tolhurst MP (MSBA Patron) often swam in the Medway, not always intentionally. She speaks passionately for control of sewage discharges to our tidal waters.
PLA Harbour Revision Order Consultation
On 18 August the Marine Management Organisation started a 56-day consultation on the PLA’s application for a Harbour Revision Order (HRO). The PLA is seeking the HRO to update the provisions of the Port...
Gillingham Marina is for sale
Since the death of the owner, 103 year old Mr Parham, there have been rumours but now it can be confirmed that Gillingham Marina is for sale by Savills. The property is open to...
Your Brexit questions answered, 2 Oct
Howard Pridding (RYA Director of External Affairs) and Stuart Carruthers (RYA Cruising Manager) will give an online presentation from 7.30 pm on Friday 2 October, with opportunity for questions. Registration is required and attendance...
Medway and Swale Heritage Harbours update
A joint initiative by the Maritime Heritage Trust (MHT) and National Historic Ships (NHS) Shipshape Network, with strong support from European Maritime Heritage (EMH), proposes that historic ports and harbours in England, Scotland, Wales...
Royal Naval Sailing Association to be evicted from Chatham
Despite the Royal Navy’s proud 400-year association with Chatham, the RNSA has been given its marching orders from its modest base at the Historic Dockyard to make way for yet another housing development. The...
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