Monthly Archive: October 2015


Yalding loo block opens

Those of us who venture up to the non-tidal Medway will be relieved to learn that the long awaited toilet and shower block at Yalding is now open. The facilities block has been built...


CA Winter Warmer talk, Jeremy Batch, 12 Nov

Clifford Mickleburgh invites us all to the Cruising Association Kent Section’s next Winter Warmer talk on Thursday, 12 November 2015, “Extreme Voyagers 2 – the Next Generation” by the CA’s inimitable Jeremy Batch. Any toddler...


Beware of the Dredger

Peel Ports have issued a Notice to Mariners regarding maintenance dredging in the Medway Approach Channel for about 5 days from Friday 30 October. We are advised to keep well clear of the large...


Bringing life back to the Westbrook Stream

Tim Stonor uses a punt to clears debris from Westbrook Stream. Credit: Fiona Hanson Friends of Westbrook Stream and Stonebridge Pond, near Faversham, have cleared vegetation and rubbish, monitored invasive species, dredged silt and started ecological...