Monthly Archive: January 2016


RYA Winter Workshop, Gillingham Marina, 10 Feb

Why not sign up for the next RYA development workshop to find out how to develop a grant or fund application? The workshop will be held at Gillingham Marina on 10 February 2016. More...


Swale Estuary declared an MCZ

Today the Government has declared the “Swale Estuary” among 23 new Marine Conservation Zones.  This designation is intended to protect fragile environments, ecosystems and threatened species though no management measures have been agreed or even proposed...


Sun Pier update

Hayley Taylor of Medway Council informs us that WPH Marine will be commencing the works to Sun Pier on Monday 11 January and the barge will be arriving around midday.  As advised previously, the...


Jim has been found!

 UPDATE: PC David Lavender has informed us that Mr McLeod has been found, presumably alive and well, with his boat Satsuma in Colchester.