Kingsferry Bridge new lift times

Max Taylor, Peel Ports DHM, tells us that changes in the train time table now result in commercial vessels planning bridge lifts at minute 10 and minute 40 past the hour. (The trains pass the Swale halt at minute 5 and minute 35 past the hour). This is useful info for the recreational boater wishing to use the bridge. It should be noted that most commercial lifts only take place 5 hours before HW to 1 hour after HW.

One thought on “Kingsferry Bridge new lift times”

  1. Just a little something I’d like to add to this, first though, I’ve transited the bridge a few times this year and have found no problems with waiting – in fact today and yesterday, I went straight through, the bridge lifting as I arrived.

    Today, however, something else happened that is new…

    Upon calling to say I had ‘arrived off Ridham’ the operator asked me if I was sailing or motoring, so, as I was sailing at that point, I said so. I then received a ‘lecture’ about sailing through the bridge. With warnings and pointed comment as to several recent incidents.

    This is something I have never done: the airflow back wash as you pass causes sails/boom to swing about (I usually sheet in…) I pointed out I would start engine as soon as they indicated clearance of passage.

    Has anyone else had this lecture too?

    What do engineless yachts do?

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