Hovercraft Cruising Club UK

Key: H, 10 (10 local members, 112 nationally)

Amateur hovercraft have a long history on the Medway and Swale and the area attracts hovercrafters from around the UK. Hoverclub UK wish to work with the MSBA to understand the restrictions imposed on us and to work together to protect our right of navigation. We currently actively lobby the government or local harbourmasters where unfair regulation is found. We work with English Nature so that they understand any impact that leisure hovercraft may have on wildlife. Furthermore, as hovercraft can access parts of the tidal estuary that no other vessels can, we will offer support to any group needing to visit areas of the estuary for research or similar reasons.

Rep to MSBA: Gavin Parson

E: gavinparson(at)yahoo.co.uk

T: 07841 521110

W: www.hoverclub.org.uk

2 thoughts on “Hovercraft Cruising Club UK”

  1. Hello.
    I’m Dave Brown.
    I’m writing to you in the hope you may be able to help
    I’m actually a light aircraft pilot
    I’m in the process of rebuilding a Microlight aircraft
    I’m trying to source 2 engines
    Suitable engines are Solo 210, Rotax 185, Hirth F36
    I believe some hovercraft used Solo 210.
    Just wondering if you are able to suggest how I might source suitable engines

    Looking forward to your reply

    Dave Brown

    1. Hi,

      I note that you have posted an ad on the Facebook “hovercraft parts for sale and wanted” page. That is the best place to look for suitable engines and I notice that you’ve had some responses already

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