Gravesend to Tilbury Ferry – Public Consultation
Thurrock & KCC jointly subsidise the Tilbury Ferry, Thurrock have technically gone bankrupt, meaning KCC must take on their share of the subsidy.
The ferry could be terminated, but if enough people answer the consultation, it might be saved.
Its not Medway, but it is a company that operates on the Medway and its important we support anyone trying to improve transport links on the river.

Dear Sirs,
Although we are not local we have used the ferry many time to pop across to Essex from Gravesend usually with our grandchildren to visit the Fort and other areas around Thurrock. We spend money both in Gravesend and Thurrock, we will not be doing this without the use of the ferry from Gravesend across the Thames.
Could you please make you comments directly to KCC using the link on the post.