RYA Dinghy Hire Fleets

Would your club like more youngsters on the water for race training, regattas and fun weekends? Contact the YTF (Youth Training Fund) which manages 6 Fevas, 6 Teras and 12 Optibats for the RYA London and South East region. Start off in the Oppies, move on to a Tera or just get straight into a Feva which is a high performance, double handed dinghy with spinnaker. The Fevas come with training sails as well as mylar racing mains. All boats are fully equipped to be ‘rigged, launched and sailed’ and come on stacker road trailers. If the Fevas are too racy, try the Tera which is gaining popularity. Otherwise you have the fantastically reliable Optibat, the real starter boat which leads on to the Optimist and other classes which can be seen all over the world. 

RYA L&SE Hire Fleet Charges 2019 5 days 2 days
Optibats (1 trailers with 6 boats) £300 £180
Teras   (1 trailer with 6 boats) £390 £230
Fevas     (1 trailer with 3 boats) £300 £180

Download a Booking Enquiry form from RYA website or contact Pip Deverson at ryalsehire@ryalse.org.uk  or mobile 07768 240467

Adult sailing sessions at Medway YC, Saturdays

Medway Yacht Club is running “adult sailing sessions” on Saturday mornings. The participants can sail their own boats or clubs boats and one instructor will be on water giving advice and training. The informal session is open to all the sailing abilities and levels, from beginner to advanced. It will give a chance to spend time on water, to learn new skills and techniques, to try new boats or simply warm up and try the rig tuning for the afternoon racing. The informal sailing sessions start at 9.00 and finish around 12.00. The price is £5 per session.

RYA Powerboat Training at Medway YC

Medway Yacht Club will be running RYA Powerboat Training sessions on Thursdays and Fridays, 9.00 to 16.00. The price for the Powerboat Level 2 will be £120 for members (including members of local MSBA/RYA affiliated clubs) and £185 for non members. The first RYA Powerboat Level 2 course will be available on 18 and 19 July. If anyone is interested please book a place at training@medwayyachtclub.com at least a couple of days before the date. Or you can come into the office and Inti, the new senior instuctor, will sign you up. The Powerboat Level 2 will be run on a regular basis and Inti will endeavour to keep the course open every Thursday and Wednesday. The maximum number of places is 3 but 1-to-1 sessions are available. The first RYA Safety Boat course will be on the 15 and 16 August with the same ratio as Powerboat Level 2, from 9.00 to 16.00 and the price will be £100.

Push The Boat Out, 5+6 May

Medway Cruising Club is running two open days in conjunction with the Watersports Centre and under the RYA Push The Boat Out initative. This is a great opportunity for us to show off our facilities and what we do. The Open Days are on 5 and 6 May. Opening times are 11:00 to 16:00. There will be loads to see and do. 

Gillingham Marina training

Passage Planning Lecture (free, all welcome)
Tuesday 26th March – start 18.30 

VHF/ GMDSS courses
(Price £90 plus £60 to the RYA including handbook and lunch, from 08.45 to approx 18.00 hrs)
Tuesday 9 April, Wednesday 29 May, Tuesday 4 June, Tuesday 23 July, Tuesday 6 August, Tuesday 10 September, Tuesday 8 October, Tuesday 12 November, Tuesday 10 December.

RYA Webinar: Hear how other clubs have boosted membership

Following on from the recent webinars focusing on Pay-and-Play and Alternative Activity formats, the next in the series will focus on growing membership and club activity through effective marketing and communications. This could be the use of traditional forms of marketing (leaflet drops, events or open days) or better use of social media, web presence or the use of apps to co-ordinate beginner and other sailing activity.

Hosted by Matt Sheahan, respected sailing journalist, the one hour webinar will include short presentations and a Q&A session with some clubs that have successfully used marketing and communications to boost activity and membership. The aim is to share their insights on their challenges and successes with the wider sailing club community and watersports sector.

You will be able to ask questions and interact with the panel. The webinar is going to be recorded and will be available to view afterwards.

The trends highlight some people being ‘turned off’ by competitive activity, looking for activities which are easier to access and for unique experiences; all of which create challenges and opportunities for sailing clubs.

Here’s a web page with links to all of the recent ‘Futures’ webinars: https://www.rya.org.uk/programmes/Pages/future-webinars.aspx