MSEP Water Quality Workshops, 1 March
One of the issues that the MSBA has been campaigning on for years is sewage from water company outfalls and houseboats, particularly where the latter are in large concentrations close to sailing clubs, such as at Hoo. If you share this concern this is your chance to make a difference by working with our partner, the Medway Swale Estuary Partnership.
In regards to the hoo marina residential house boat enclave and the wall to wall poo which collects in the small boat non residential area next door, the environment agency is well aware of the situation there and has totally ignored the problem for years, on a hot day with the tide people have said it stinks, and call it a health hazard, a few houseboats up a few creeks is hardly a hazard not the same as 200 odd vessels in hoo, there is more sewage put in the creeks from companies that are responsible to stop it, so let’s not get carried away with the hype that houseboats are polluting the rivers, the sewage companies are doing that legally, stop trying to punish the little guy, with threats it seems that’s the path nowadays it’s easy look at centrica if he was really sorry, he would take the dam meters out, sorry just doesn’t cut it, actions speak louder then words.
A very interesting topic, and such a pity that the event is on a normal working day during work hours. As a sea Scout leader taking YP in and on the the water in the areas mentioned. it is clear there is a significant hazard. outfalls from Montney Hill can be bad, but I was not aware of the Hoo issue and had always assumed house boats had to have storage and pump out and they days of discharge to the river were no longer allowed. yes the Enforcing authorities should be doing their job. but its also useful to share data and local areas of risks so business owners etc can be held to account through public pressure.