Save Queenborough Creek for maritime use, support alternative marina plan

Queenborough Creek planThe 2006 plan for Queenborough regeneration included a marina but this aspect was later dropped in favour of building houses right up to the south edge of the water. See SBC+HCA amended plan here. If you would like to support a revised, more practical plan for a marina in Queenborough Creek (click image to enlarge and download QUEENBOROUGH CREEK MARINA9a), to preserve the unique location for maritime use, please email before 15 December.

3 thoughts on “Save Queenborough Creek for maritime use, support alternative marina plan”

  1. As I said in my comments about Sheerness, the east facing entrance gave me concerns and I would continue to use Queenborough…

    I had wondered what had happened to the plans for a marina at Queenborough itself – a far better proposition: it is within the protective envelope. It is a historical destination/jumping off/ arrival point. I am pleased to see that it is not entirely deceased, however, SBC seem to have rejected it in the revised plans of 2010, retaining moorings as they are.

    Access for only for 4 hours per tide would seem to me to be a negative. Craft on the south Essex shore would probably not be able to reach home on, say, a Sunday afternoon tide after the ‘selling’ point for club meets.

    Could not the access creek bed not be lowered?

  2. Thanks for your comments Nick, yes the creek could be dredged to give more of a time window to get in or out, and yes it is in a better position than Sheerness being much more sheltered, and with Queenborough’s fascinating historical roots.

    The plan is just a concept and the tidal window is more like 5 hours, 2 and a half hours either side of high tide, (without dredging), however the challenge is to get SBC to accept the principle of the potential use of the creek, and not wast this once in lifetimes opportunity. We don’t want them to just build high and medium density houses around the creek side, restricting the existing marine use of this wonderful creek.

    I am disappointed and upset by the way Faversham Creek Trust, Upper Brents Association, and BMM Weston Ltd, have been treated by Swale Borough Council and Faversham Town Council, even with a neighborhood plan, for the development of Faversham Creek, so I don’t hold out much hope either with the development of Queenborough. If readers agree please send comments about Queenborough to before the 15th December, Thanks T Bell

  3. i would love to see a marina in queenborough as a yachtsman myself i have traveled to many marinas ,and they all attract many visitors not just yachtsman but people who like the feeling of being near the water , and enjoying the sights ,some marinas are the focal point of the local area and enhance it by bringing money to the local economy , The local council are in a unique position to turn this proposal into a reality instead of just building another big housing development and leaving the creek to rack and ruin to become a dumping ground for shopping trolleys and peoples rubbish , they could help to create a wonderful marina complex with all the bars , cafes and small businesses that could flourish , queenborough is a real gem which just needs someone with some vision to unlock its potential

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