Concern over Missing Catamaran Sailor

Missing Cat Sailor

Concern is growing for a missing sailor after a 12 ft catamaran was found drifting in the Thames Estuary on Saturday. The white New Cat 12 was discovered 27 miles north east of the North Foreland at about 8 pm with no one on board. Coastguards found a black North Face rucksack on board containing items of clothing, maps and a small quantity of cash, but no clue to identity. It has now been towed into Ramsgate Harbour. If you have any information please call 101 for Kent Police and quote reference 26-1235. Read more at Kent Online.

LNG terminal exclusion zone

LNG exclusion zone
Chartlet courtesy of Wilsonian SC

At the last MSBA business meeting, Captain Ian Clark reminded boaters to keep 150 metres away from the LNG terminal. Otherwise, proximity alarms go off and mayhem ensues, potentially resulting in a fine!

Curiously, the Notice to Mariners states that the exclusion zone increases to 250m if a tanker is berthed, but only if your vessel is >50m long or you are exceeding 7.5 knots through the water.

Dutch barge towed to Queenborough by Sheerness lifeboat

dutch barge

On Saturday 12 September, the Sheerness all-weather lifeboat went to the aid of this 20 metre Dutch barge “Friso” that had broken down and was anchored south of the Kentish Flats wind farm. The barge, with six persons on board, was towed to Queenborough Harbour..

Pirates raid lifeboat station

Sheppey Pirates

The notorious Sheppey Pirates led by Captain Cutlass, aka Adrian Collins, boarded the Sheerness all weather lifeboat ‘George and Ivy Swanson’ on Sunday 6 September to present a cheque for the amazing sum of £2500.

The Sheerness Lifeboat Run takes place on Sunday 20 September at Marine Parade on the Island. If you would like to take part, entry packs are available from Sheppey Leisure Centre or by ringing Paul or Kay on 01795 664922 or direct to the lifeboat station on 01795 664868.

Tug Kent in dramatic helicopter rescue

A superb video by Ted Ingham

A man who had become ill on the tug Kent was rescued by a Coastguard helicopter near the Montgomery wreck on Monday. The veteran 1948 tug was returning from a maritime festival in Ipswich. Also on the scene were the Kent Police RIB and the Sheerness all-weather lifeboat. A pilot cutter also offered assistance. Your webmaster also happened to be passing and watched the drama unfolding from a distance. The casualty was treated on board the tug by a paramedic from the helicopter, then airlifted to Ashford. We understand that, happily, he has now been discharged.

Cabin cruiser collides with car carrier

Sheerness lifeboat crew assisted a cabin cruiser that had drifted and collided with a bulk car carrier moored at Sheerness docks. The crew of the Sheerness inshore lifeboat ‘Eleanor’ were called at 4 am on Saturday 1 August to the assistance of a 27 ft cabin cruiser with two men and and a youth on board. The craft, which had been moored in one of the many creeks in the Estuary, had apparently dragged its anchor on the strong ebb tide and drifted downstream where it collided with a very large bulk car carrier moored at Sheerness Docks. The crew suffered cuts and grazes to their legs and feet from broken glass when the windows of their craft were smashed on impact. The  lifeboat crew administered casualty care to the three persons and then escorted the craft to the safety of Queenborough Harbour.

Paddleboarder provokes controversy

Paddleboarder touches Montgomery WreckPaddleboarder Shane Skinner has provoked controversy by taking advantage of calm weather and a low tide to pose touching one of the masts of the WW2 munitions ship SS Richard Montgomery, which still contains thousands of tons of explosives. A sign, clearly visible in the photo, says “DANGER. Unexploded ammunition. Do not approroach or board this wreck.” The wreck, which lies only a few yards from the Medway approach channel, used by massive gas tankers and container ships, is surrounded by yellow buoys indicating a prohibited area. An online poll at Kent Online shows that the majority of readers consider Mr Skinner to be irresponsible. Others wonder what the fuss is about…

Flare Amnesty at Dover Marina, 16 May

Dover Marina as part of its open day on Saturday 16 May have arranged a “Flare Amnesty.” Private individuals can take flares along to Dover Marina between 11am and 2pm and dispose of them free of charge. Entry to the open day, which runs from 9am to 5pm, and car parking is also free on the day. There will be some charitable collection boxes on hand and they hope that people will put in a small donation.