Queenborough Harbour appoints new staff member and free trot boat service

Queenborough Harbour Trust would like to inform everyone that following the appointment of Phil Shaw as our latest member of Queenborough Harbour, the harbour will be manned Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mondays from 08.00 to 10.00 and 16.00 to 22.00. He will be available to assist with enquires and provide a free trot boat service.

Phil has spent most of his working career on the water both in the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy. He was stationed on the Royal Yacht Britannia for two years and comes to us with a wealth of experience.

Contact should be made by radio channel 08 call sign “Sheppey One”.

I hope you can all spread the word about this service and we look forward to further meeting the needs of our mooring holders and visitors whenever we can.

When ashore Phil will be based in the Harbour Look-out on Crundels Wharf, if anyone would be interested in volunteering to assist Phil I am sure he will enjoy the company and help. Just contact Queenborough Harbour Trust or call in and see Phil who will take your details for us to get back to you.

Eddie Johnson
Director QHT

Six weeks on Darnet Island

45 days on the Isle of BeautyLocal canoeist, artist and photographer David Wise spent six weeks in 2012 camping (with the owner’s permission) on Darnet Island. His moving film “Otherness” is on his website and you can order his book, illustrated with atmospheric pinhole photographs at http://www.davewise.biz/new/summerontheestuary/page.html

More crime…

Crime update for this week:

  • 6-13 March: A Mariner 2 hp outboard and a Johnson 4 hp along with some marine items were stolen from a barn in Lenham, Maidstone
  • 16-19 March: A generator taken from a yacht on moorings in Faversham Creek
  • 16 March: Property described as metal body parts (boat, not human body parts!) taken from a boat at Hoo. Male has been arrested and positively dealt with.

PC David Lavender
Kent Police Marine Unit

Isle of Sheppey News

Isle of Sheppey Round the Island RaceTim Bell of the Isle of Sheppey Sailing Club invites sponsorship of the  Round the Island Race on 7 September. 

It would help the race if as many as possible nominate it for the Yachts and Yachting promotion:- IOS Round the Island race, for sponsorship see #GetOutAndSail, [date of race 7th September,]  [Sheppey Island race]  [Isle of Sheppey Sailing Club] [leave classes blank]. The more nominations we get the more chance we have. Other clubs may like to nominate their event on another month.

Anyone interested in more information, history, great photos, and  videos about the SS Richard Montgomery may like to see: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SS-Richard-Montgomery-The-Wreck/200095340014422?ref=ts&fref=ts

Also some great Pathe newsreels about the tragic sinking of the Royal Navy submarine Truculent and about Chatham Dockyard. See http://www.britishpathe.com/video/selected-originals-truculent-disaster-1/query/TRUCULENT+DISASTER

Queenborough: Blessing of the Waters, 14 July, 4pm (with surprise)

Marco Devereux writes, “About 400 years ago some mariners were in distress and their lives were saved by the community of Queenborough. As a thank you to the community  they left a small fund with the church for a service to be held in perpetuity in recognition of the sea, to be thankful for the bounties it brings and the travel, beauty, friendships it holds, and the grace that as mere mortals we have been granted a safe passage.”
This year the preacher will be Rev Peter Shore who is a Chaplain who works with the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen so we hope to see some local fishermen on the water.
Marco moreover makes mysterious mention of a surprise for those who attend…

River Medway is crucial to area’s regeneration, says Leader of Medway Council at MSBA Conference


MSBA Conference
From left to right:
Tony Lavelle – MSBA Secretary,
Cllr Vaughan Hewett – Mayor of Medway,
Stuart Bradley – MSBA Chairman,
Cllr Rodney Chambers – Leader of Medway Council,
Cllr Kelly Tolhurst – MSBA Vice Chairman
Photo by Nick Stewart – MSBA Publicity Officer

At the MSBA Conference on 9 March 2013, Cllr Rodney Chambers, Leader of Medway Council said “The river has played a key part in the area’s history and should once again be at the very heart of efforts to unlock Medway’s full potential.”

Delegates were told of the numerous projects, including a reinstated pontoon at Sun Pier that will provide landing access for tourist boats, private yachts and the potential – if a private operator can be persuaded – for a river taxi. The full text of Medway Council’s press release can be found at: http://www.medway.gov.uk/information/newspages/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=5151

Spring Conference 9 March 2013

This event, held in the Wardroom of the former HMS Pembroke, now part of the university complex in Chatham, marked the relaunch of the MYA under its new name. Many of the delegates were from other parts of Kent and East Anglia.

As well as a line-up of excellent speakers we were pleased that senior representatives from both Medway and Swale councils and Medway Ports came to tell us of their plans and answer our questions.

Feedback has been very positive and helpful suggestions have been taken on board for future events. Watch this space…

Full report here.