REYC invites all comers to Mary Cup race on 28 Sept

Ken Gorton of the Royal Engineer YC invites all cruiser-racers (monohulls only) to the Mary Cup race on Saturday 28 September. If you do not have an NHC handicap please contact Ken well in advance.

Download: [Sailing Instructions] [Entry Form]  [Notice of Race]

Clipper Fleet visits Queenborough

The Queenborough Harbour Trust, was very honoured to have the fleet of  twelve, ‘around the world’, state of the art, brand new  70ft racing yachts, prior to their start on Monday 2 September, after coming from London.

The British Sponsored Boat CV 26 Great Britain, which was on display in Trafalgar Square in London,was moored on the end of the All Tide Landing and the other boats on other moorings in the harbour!

This is the only race in the world where the organisers supply the fleet of 12 identical, 70-foot, stripped down racing yachts – each sponsored by a city, a region or a country – and man each with a fully-qualified skipper, employed to lead the crews safely around the globe. Clipper Ventures is the company which organises and runs this special event, founded by Sir Robin Knox Johnson, the first man to circumnavigate the world non-stop and solo!

The harbour trust, was also very honoured to have Sir Robin Knox Johnson as a patron of Queenborough Harbour trust and to have these yachts visiting and showing the potential of Queenborough Harbour.

See Pete Fisher’s photos here and here.

Swale News

To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the cancellation of the Swale Regatta were greatly exaggerated. Alan Thorne, Rear Commodore of Hollowshore CC, informs us that the regatta did take place on the Friday. It was a great race around the island from The Receptive Buoy, Faversham, to Queenborough. Only Saturday and Sunday races were cancelled. The prize-giving was held on Friday July 5th.

The Swale Smack and Sailing Barge Match, organised by the Kentish Sail Association, was exceptionally good on Saturday with ideal conditions.

The next MSBA Business Meeting, on Tuesday 8 October at 7.30 pm will be at Hollowshore Cruising Club. All our member clubs and organisations are invited to attend.

Crime Update

Outboards again seemed to be targeted from all over the county from Canterbury on the 20th to the River Rother at Newenden and of course most people will be aware that a MYC boat was again targeted on 17/06, where a Honda 4hp was taken. Extensive damage was caused to the boat.

A red 12ft kayak was taken from Canterbury Sea Cadets on 26th June. A Parana Ranger 16ft canoe was taken from Yalding earlier in the month and two further canoes one red and one yellow were taken from Tonbridge at a similar time.

On a positive note this weekend Sat 6th July is the Medway River Festival. There will be displays on the river in Chatham Reach between Thunderbolt Pier and Chatham Ness. This will mean closures of the river to vessels during some of the displays and should only last a short time. Princess Alexandra III will be assisting Medway Ports Harbourmaster Launches in enforcing these closures.

If you are intending to go by boat and see the displays make sure you get there in plenty of time and find a good spot. Be careful as there may be a large number of vessels of various sizes taking part including small rowing boats. If you are going to the Recreation Ground on foot, come and see us on the Kent Police Marine Unit stand.

PC David Lavender
Kent Police Marine Unit

Faversham Creek: it’s not a street

At Faversham Creek sailing barges and other traditional craft are still moored and repaired, but for how much longer? Planners and developers seem ignorant of history and geography, also blind to what is lost if the edges of such navigable waterways are simply covered with housing and shops as if the creek was a suburban street.

Dr Arthur Percival, director of the Faversham Society’s Fleur de Lis Heritage Centre, has written a wonderfully eloquent letter to the clerk of the council on behalf of Faversham Creek Trust:

Medway Queen Re-dedication

TMedway Queen Preservation Societyhe hull of paddle steamer Medway Queen is nearing completion in the Albion Dockyard, Bristol. A re-dedication ceremony will be held at the dockyard on Saturday 27 July.

The ship will not leave the dry dock immediately. When the weather conditions are right and the tug is available the ship will be moved back to Gillingham without further ceremony. The MQPS website ( has a page dedicated to the “tow home” and details will be posted there as they become clear.

The fitting out phase will then commence in earnest. The society’s Gillingham Pier workshops will be open to the public on all 4 days of the Heritage Open Days weekend of 12-15 September.

MSBA burgees now available

MSBA burgeeShow your support for boating on the tidal Medway and Swale by flying one of these attractive burgees on your flag halyard. The nominal size is 30cm (12″) on the hoist, ie the vertical dimension. Theyare available , with or without toggle, for £10. We will have them for you to collect at the Medway River Festival on 6 July or add £1 for postage. Please place your order to