Hi all,
At our RVT Teams meeting on Monday 4th November we had a stimulating discussion about the Roadford Wheelyboat accident.The MAIB report can be found here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/670f9ab83b919067bb48326a/2024-14-Wheelyboat123.pdf
Following the publication of this report, Joff McGill (RYA Sailability Manager) has scheduled an online Sailability Safety Forum for the 19th November 18:30 – 20:00. “It will be a chance to reflect on lessons learned from the Wheelyboat 123 MAIB report and an entanglement near miss.”Registration here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/7a2876cc-6d6e-4a0a-8a1c-140bc079a75d@e7fee957-e659-4f9a-9ae0-fe61160217f7I commend this forum to you. Although the subject is around sailability activity, the lessons about safety management are directly relevant to many of our clubs and organisations.
Please could I ask you to send this invitation to your communities.
Thank you.
Roger Belton
Chair, RYA London & South East