Do you still use Admiralty charts?
The UK Hydrographic Office would like to know if you would object if they withdraw the admiralty chart no. 2482 – River Medway and The Swale. The statutory harbour authority area of Peel Ports London Medway is currently covered by the following admiralty charts:
3683 – Sheerness and Approaches – Scale 1:12500
1834 – River Medway Garrison Point to Folly Point – Scale 1:12500
1835 – River Medway Folly Point to Maidstone – Scale 1:6000 / 1:25000 for the continuation.
2571 – The Swale Whitstable to Harty Ferry – Scale 1:12500
2572 – The Swale Windmill Creek to Queenborough – Scale 1:12500
2482 – River Medway and The Swale – Scale 1:25000
Chart no. 2482 is essentially a duplicate of 2571 & 2572 but on a smaller scale and Peel Ports would like to ask all river users for feedback regarding its withdrawal from the UKHO’s chart publication list. Please send all comments on this consultation to by 30 April 2022, we will collate the feedback and forward it to the UKHO, any decision to remove the chart from publication will be promulgated by further notice to mariners.
I have this chart but seldom use it as I’m very local to the area.
It would not bother me if It was withdrawn.