Winter talks – anyone?

If your club is doing any winter talks, why not invite members of other Medway/Swale boating organisations to come along? Let me know and I’ll put the information on this site. If you want...


2014 Events Calendar

We invite clubs and other local boating organisations to give us dates, even if tentative, for proposed events in 2014. Hopefully this will help to avoid clashes of dates. As you can see from...


Queenborough Harbour news

Phil Shaw says the latest Queenborough Harbour newsletter is available at http://www.queenborough-harbour.co.u…er_aug2013.pdf


Clipper Fleet visits Queenborough

The Queenborough Harbour Trust, was very honoured to have the fleet of  twelve, ‘around the world’, state of the art, brand new  70ft racing yachts, prior to their start on Monday 2 September, after...


Swale News

To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the cancellation of the Swale Regatta were greatly exaggerated. Alan Thorne, Rear Commodore of Hollowshore CC, informs us that the regatta did take place on the Friday. It...


Crime Update

Outboards again seemed to be targeted from all over the county from Canterbury on the 20th to the River Rother at Newenden and of course most people will be aware that a MYC boat...