Medway YC Autumn Series starts 24 Oct

Members of local sailing cubs are invited to join in the racing at MYC. As Autumn gets into gear and the less hardy look to laying up their boats for another winter the Cruisers and Racers have the Cruiser Class Autumn Series as a final hurrah before the season end.

This year’s series is going to be different to previous years with a mixture of longer and shorter races spread over 6 weeks starting on Sunday 24 October, The first two races (24 and 31 October) will be longer, starting at 09:30 with a time limit of 15:30 so make sure you allow for being on the water for most of the day. In a break from previous years these two races will start from the MYC Club line with courses from the 2021 MYC Cruiser Class Course Sheet. November’s races (7th, 14th, 21st & 28th) will be shorter in-river events starting at 09:30 and finishing from a Committee Boat.

No matter what sort of Cruising or Racing Yacht you sail there is a class for you to enjoy racing if your boat complies with ORC Cat 4 requirements and the MYC Minimum Equipment Level.

MYC intend to run 3 classes:
Class 1 for boats with a 2021 IRC Rating,
Class 2 for the less serious racers using the RYA NHC handicap system
Class 3 for the more cruising boats with no spinnakers also using RYA NHC Handicaps.

Visitors can be allocated a free mooring for the duration of the series and should contact the MYC Office on 01634 718399 for more information or contact the Cruiser Class Racing Captain on

Full details can be found in the MYC Yacht Racing page

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