Missing person in River Medway: body found
Sadly we’ve had another case of someone choosing to end his life by jumping off the M2 bridge on Wednesday night and you may have seen the police helicopter and rescue services searching yesterday morning. We are asked to keep a look-out for a body and call the police (101) or coastguard (01304 210008, or VHF16) if we see anything, which may not be for some time.
UPDATE Wed 7 Aug: A body, confirmed to be that of 32 year old Billy Angell, was recovered today from the river near Medway Bridge Marina, just yards from where he entered the water a week ago.
So so sad. I hope billy will be found soon and put his family’s mind to rest, as much as it can.
I don’t feel the causal tone of ‘another m2 bridge jumper’ is appropriate. This was a person who didn’t feel that they could cope with life and who have left a family behind. You need to think about the words that you use, they should reflect the gravity of the situation.
I agree with you. It doesn’t sit comfortable with me either. This was someone who had the weight of the world on his shoulders and just couldn’t manage. Someone who was desperate and there should be more out there to support those who need it. The opening of ‘another m2 jumper’ is cold. This man has a name. I hope he is found and the family can lay him to rest.
I agree with you, totally. Title does not highlight the gravity or devastation of the event.
The man that jumped from this bridge in the early hours on the 1st August, was more than a jumper, he was my brother, the most caring, kind, soft hearted soul you would have ever come across. Unfortunately he had the world on his shoulders and felt like this was his only way out. I want to take a moment to thank each and every person who has taken their time and are still giving up their time to search for my brothers body. And the person that does eventually find him I want to say sorry, sorry that you have to witness that and to find a dead body. But I also want to say thankyou, because the day my brothers body is found is the day we may just come out of this nightmare of being in limbo and be able to feel somewhat comfort knowing he is no longer lost on his own in cold, murky, lonely water. For people that are reading this and havnt searched for him I beg you, to give up 5 or even 10 minutes of your time to take a walk along the river to see what you can find or see. If you cant bring yourself to do that then please just share this post so it can spread far and wide and create awareness of the tragedy and heartache that is left behind after a suicide. The more people we can get together the faster my darling big brother can be brought home and laid to rest. Time to make a change, time to stand as one in this dark lonely world and stand together and fight against mental health. Thankyou, from the bottom of my heart.
This is so so sad, bring tears to my eyes especially battling depression myself and people around me having mental health it is just so sad and worrying. I heard the helicopters and read the day before. I just hope in some way if his body hasn’t been found that he just might have swam to safety if possible (very long shot I know) but for your sake I really hope he is found alive or not so you can have peace. My thoughts and prayers are with billy and his family and friends at this very sad time