Patman’s Wharf to become housing development

A planning application has been submitted to build houses and flats on the site of Patman’s Wharf at Upnor. Comments may be submitted on Medway Council’s planning portal ref MC/19/2361

Should you wish to object here are some of the issues that can be raised for starters:

  1. Loss of increasingly scarce recreational amenity, namely affordable boat storage and maintenance, especially for the neighbouring sailing club and other local boaters.

2. The size and mass of the 3-storey terraced houses sited directly against the river front is totally unacceptable and a detriment to the area. The reference to the 3-storey estate under the heading SCALE is not relevant as the estate is not on the river front!

3. There is a need for Affordable Housing contribution. These residential units are aimed at middle and upper income earners.

4. Contrary to the statement that the air quality will not change, the proposal suggests 17 cars on the site, without counting any visitors.

5. Two cars per unit, one behind the other, is an impractical solution. No doubt cars will be parked all over the site and in the adjacent roads, adding to the existing highways problem locally. A Highways Statement is required for the reason of the already congested traffic flows and parking within the local area.

6. Under Lighting, the suggestion that a statement is not required is concerning as there are no controls proposed over the future lighting. Without doubt the future owners will add to the exterior lighting to the balconies and gardens. Enforceable controls need to be in place to ensure that this does not happen. Light pollution is a local problem and this development will only add to that.

7. Within the Design and Access Statement the Agent suggests that there is not a demand for a boat storage and maintenance yard. In support it refers to recent years when the business has been  failing. The current operation has been allowed to fail simply to justify this proposed development. The boatyard is a valuable asset for Medway boaters and with new management could once again be a thriving enterprise to the benefit of the local river community. 

3 thoughts on “Patman’s Wharf to become housing development”

  1. A Resident Commments.
    Locals who actually live in the village are well aware of the old boatyard.The yard has been in terminal decline for many years and is very rarely used even by the local boating community. .It would require a great deal of investment to bring it up to current health and safety standards and bang goes your “cheap budget options.”
    There are other yards and clubs around which offer budget storage and repair facilities. It has became a dumping ground for derelict boats, many abandoned by their owners who stopped paying the rent years ago.Some were recently seized by the yard owners in a desperate attempt to recover costs and get the wrecks off site. Some have been mouldering way for 15 years !
    Suspect many objectors complaining about the loss will have never actually have used the yard and would run a mile if they realised the difficulties involved getting boats on/off the wharf both by crane and road,and the “interesting” methods of getting power and water to any boat.

    A long list of objections to the proposed housing is purely a diversion from the fact that the yard is no longer economically viable without considerable capitol investment.
    Can think of lot of options as to what should happen to the yard but leaving things as they are is not an option.
    Personally think the plans for the houses look in keeping with the village.
    Regretably suspect they are well out of my price range !

  2. I only hope, if this goes ahead, is that all the ‘filled over’ Thames spritsail barges under the wharf top can support the weight of housing…
    Many yards have boats in them for considerable periods of time (sadly), but as a yard owner told me some years ago, as long as the rent comes in , there isn’t a problem … here, it is more likely that someone is getting a good return on sale of land.
    Unfortunately, on the Medway, boat lay up facilities are actually thin on the ground, unlike where I now live in Essex (based at a club with good facilities run by self help). I often sit and wonder, when up a Medway creek where I’d be based if still living ‘your’ side of the Thames…
    It’ll be a loss, whatever…

  3. I have been and still do use the boat yard and yes there are 5 or 6 boats that have been left unworked on due to owners either becoming unwell or dying and there is electric and water also it is affordable and I for one will be sad to see it gone as there will be no where else I can have my vessel lifted for painting ect unless I pay the rip off charges that other near by yards charge, there is a saying that” if you own a boat you have money” well I can assure you that is rubbish not true,

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